ASCOS Blog – Pancake day

Sweet, one more day until pancake (pannkakor) day!! As the swedes would know, Thursdays are soup and pancakes for dinner. It is basically the only repetition of food we have during the trip which is pretty impressive considering we eat full meals for lunch and dinner. I really never would eat this on Thursday back home, but it is pretty damn good….and means that the weekend is soon approaching. Not that it matters much when you work everyday šŸ˜‰

How’s things back on land??? Anything new and exciting? ( if interested, I promise I will have some more time to respond after the mad rush of tear down this weekend and Monday).

Just want to say have a nice long weekend to the all folks back in the US. Byrone and Spud…make sure you guys do most of the work this weekend, leave the ‘rents out of it šŸ™‚

Later dudes!

/Joseph Sedlar, Graduate student

One Response to ASCOS Blog – Pancake day

  1. shantz says:

    Now, we all want to know if you’ve seen Santa Claus yet? And btw, are those chocolate chip banana pancakes?

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